Initial assessments include a combination of parent interview, observations in the natural environment (home/school), ABLLS-R (The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised), VB-MAPP (Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program), AFLS (The Assessment of Functional Living Skills), etc... Assessments are typically updated every 6 months to a year for your child.

1:1 Teaching
This is an important part of the intervention because we'll be working directly with your child on their individualized goals. It also gives us the opportunity to assess progress by analyzing data, addressing any areas of need within the goals, updating graphs, and probing new programs. Examples of skills we can address in your child's intervention include, but are not limited to, potty training, sleeping and eating issues, conversation, bike riding, meal preparation, math, reading, writing, toy play, talking/communicating, repetitive actions and language, dressing, and brushing teeth. The number of hours each child should receive typically ranges from 10-25 hours a week. We'll make recommendations for the number of hours that would be beneficial following your child's initial assessment.

Team Training
Direct teaching hours can be provided by a variety of people including college students, parents, and other caregivers; these are the people who will make up your team. Your team will usually provide the majority of hours for your child's intervention. Team members do not need to have experience in ABA or previous experience working with children, as long as they are enthusiastic, willing to learn, dependable, and enjoy children. Team training encompasses the principles of ABA, specific goals that have been written for your child, data collection, and a variety of teaching techniques.

Parent Training
Parent training is addressed throughout the entire intervention. Your involvement and implementation of goals is critical to your child's long-term success. Training for parents consists of the principles of ABA, specific protocols, data collection and a variety of teaching techniques.

Social Skills Training
Social skills are an integral part of our treatment plans. These are challenging skills to teach because they encompass many steps and become more complex with age. Therefore, the sooner social skills are taught and practiced, the more successful your child's outcomes will be. Social skills training can occur in the child's home, school, and community.

School Consultation
It's our goal to collaborate with everyone involved with your child (ex. Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Physical Therapists, teachers in public and private schools, grandparents, babysitters, etc). School involvement is so important because your child will (eventually) spend most of their day in that environment. This gives us the opportunity to observe how your child performs in another setting, problem solve any issues/concerns with the teaching staff, and assess specific skills that need to be addressed in a classroom (such as social skills, group instructions, and classroom routines).
Please contact us today so we can discover how we can best serve your family.